Area Calculator

Easy. Fast. Accurate.

Trusted by users in countless industries. How will you use our Area Calculator?

Roof Area Calculator

Calculating the surface area of a sloped roof can be time-consuming without the right tools.

You want a roof area calculator that provides accurate estimates to help you order materials such as shingles, membrane, roofing, or ceramic tile.

Learn more about roof area calculators >>

Medical Area Calculator

Some of the most common uses of our area calculator in the medical industry are around research.

Although measuring the healing rates of wounds, spinal reconstruction, tumors, and cellular processes are just some of the many ways our area calculator can be used.

Learn more about medical area calculators >>

Biology Area Calculator

Finding the irregular area of organic shapes found in nature couldn’t be easier.

SketchAndCalc’s flexibility offers researchers in fields like botany, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, micro and molecular biology, physiology, and zoology the accuracy and ease of use they need.

Learn more about biology area calculators >>

Plan Area Calculator

Residential or commercial floorplans can be calculated quickly with or without indicated dimensions.

Area of architectural floor plans saved as DWG DXF or PDF files can be imported for easy real estate calculations.

Learn more about plan area calculators >>

Engineering Area Calculator

Measure the dimensions of CAD drawings without the learning curve.

Import a CAD file (.DXF .DWG .SVG .PDF .JPG .PNG .GIF) for a quick take-off without expensive CAD software and training.

Learn more about engineering area calculators >>

Construction Takeoff Calculator

Estimation of all construction materials often need more than just an area calculator.

No take-off would be complete without total linear lengths of open shapes. When complete, export your drawing as a .PNG to include alongside your materials list.

Learn more about construction takeoff calculators >>

Land Area Calculator

Land area and perimeter lengths in all common measurement systems including acres and hectares.

Reference one area when drawing another with layers.

Learn more about land area calculators >>

Scientific Area Calculator

Find the area under a curve simply and without complex math.

Learn more about scientific area calculators >>

Top reasons to use an area calculator

With SketchAndCalc, you can calculate the area and perimeter of any shape you draw or image you trace — from finding the area of a property using a satellite image,…