How to Calculate Acreage of Land?

Begin to calculate acreage by searching for the land area. Enter the address, postal code, or longitude and latitude into SketchAndCalc’s search field.

Search the maps address, or postal code to calculate the acreage of land.

Once you’ve found the area of interest, zoom in and choose the maps ‘Satellite’ or ‘Hybrid’ view.

Next, begin to carefully draw the lands perimeter using one of the many drawing tools. You can adjust the drawing color, line width, and grid transparency, from settings.

Adjust the settings of the acreage calculator.

Once you’ve drawn the perimeter of your land area, and regardless of whether you measured in imperial feet / yards, or metric meters / kilometres, simply collect the results in acres or hectares from the bottom right corner alongside results in all common measurements of square area.

Perimeter length results are also displayed alongside controls to create multiple drawing layers. Helpful if you want to calculate acreage of multiple parcels of land if the need should arise.

If you wish, you can then copy your acreage results to the clipboard, print, or export them to .csv or .png before saving your file.

Land area results in acres and hectares of an irregular area

Accurately calculating the acreage of land can be made quickly and simply with SketchAndCalc. Try It Now

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