With Pay-As-You-Go there are no monthly subscription payments. You pay only for the day or days you use SketchAndCalc during the course of a single month.
Example in USD: (For prices in your local currency click here.)
Sign up on Sept 3rd, and use for a single day (24 hours). You should expect to be billed 2.49 USD on or near Oct 3rd (approximately 1 month later).
If you subsequently log in and agree to use SketchAndCalc on Nov 14th and 15th you should expect to be billed 4.98 USD on or near December 3rd.
The Project plan is our month-to-month unlimited subscription. You can log in and use SketchAndCalc anytime for a flat fee of 11.99 USD per month.
Example in USD:
Sign up to the Project plan on July 16th. You should expect to be billed 11.99 USD on or near the 16th of each month thereafter.
The Pro plan is our annual unlimited subscription. You can log in and use SketchAndCalc anytime for a flat fee of 99 USD per year.
Example in USD: (For prices in your local currency click here.)
Sign up to the Pro plan on Jan 2nd, 2019. You should expect to be billed 99 USD on Jan 2nd of each year thereafter.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.